Thursday 1/7 & Friday 1/8 2021
(This wasn’t like anything we had ever done before!)
Day 1 - Keynote 1
Renée Cummings “The Conscience of the Data Scientist”
Day 1 - Keynote 2
Laura Chappel “SolarWinds Orion Compromise”
Day 1 - Top Tech
2.1 Jason Zeller & Richard Weeks, NDG (Video)
2.2 Wadih Zaatar, Cisco Academy (Video)
2.3 Dennis Frezzo & Muffie Wiebe, Cisco Academy, Learning Science (Video / PPT)
2.4 Donald Laird, Santa Rosa Junior College (Video / PPT)
2.5 Arduiono, Bruce Brumley, WASTC / City College at MSU Billings (Video / PPT)
2.6 Richard Seidner, Splunk (Video )
Day 1 - In Practice
3.1 Angela Cleveland, NCWIT+ Reinvented Magazine (Video)
3.2 Angela Duffy and Tina Ahn, Google Mara Lockowandt and Sara Lamback, JFF (Video)
3.3 Olivia Herriford, Regional Director, ICT Digital Media Sector (Video)
3.4 Susan G Schwartz, The River Birch Group (Video)
3.5 Corrinne Sande, NCyTE (Video)
3.6 Tobi West, Coastline College and Anna Carlin, Fullerton College (Video)
Day 2 - Keynote 1
Peter Coffee “Preparing for Opportunity: 2025 Starts Now”
Day 2 - Keynote 2
Vanessa Russell “Untapped Urban Leader”
Day 2 - Top Tech
2.8 Casey W. O’Brien, National Cyber Watch Center (Video)
2.9 Gordon Snyder, Holyoke Community College (Video)
2.10 Jason Zeller, Richard Weeks, NDG (Video)
2.11 Jason Zeller, Richard Weeks, NDG (Video)
2.12 Jorge Crichigno, University of South Carolina (Video)
2.13 Wadih Zaatar, Cisco Academy (Video)
Day 2 - In Practice
3.8 Ann Beheler, the Convergence Technology Center (Video)
3.9 Dr. Melody Graveen, Susanne Mata, and Donna Woods, Moreno Valley College,
IE/DRC, and Moreno Valley Unified (Video)
3.10 Ben Izadi, Henry Hua, Russ Alizadeh, Frank Enos, Jamie Keledjian, Daniela Juarez, Lynn Kim [HS student] Cypress College (Video)
3.11 Irvin Lemus, WASTC / Cabrillo College (Video)
3.12 Robert Samson, WASTC / Mesa College (Video / PPT)
3.13 Kerry Bruce, WASTC / Central New Mexico Community College (Video)
3.14 Kerry Bruce, WASTC / Central New Mexico Community College (Video)